The tiny leaves of the Moringa tree could save millions of lives.
Traditional medicine says that Moringa leaves can prevent 300 diseases. Now modern science is proving that these tiny leaves are packed with incredible nutrition that can strengthen our bodies and prevent many diseases.
Amazingly, Moringa grows where people need it most - in subtropical areas where malnutrition is most prevalent. And it’s easy to grow from cuttings or seeds, even in marginal soils, and requires very little care or water.
Trees for Life is planting Moringa trees in developing nations and helping to educate people about its amazing benefits. Please join us in our efforts.
The Moringa tree grows...
...precisely where people need it most.
Intro to Moringa
These tiny leaves could save millions of lives.
How to Grow Moringa
It grows in tropical and sub-tropical regions, from cuttings or from seed.
Finding Moringa Seeds
Seeds from local trees have a better chance of propagating.
Moringa Book
Some call it a miracle. Could it also be good science?
Names of Moringa
More than 400 names in languages around the world
Other Uses of Moringa
Every part of the tree is said to have beneficial properties.
Frequently Asked Questions
Please check these out before you contact us. It could save you some time.
More about Moringa Leaves
One of the richest sources of essential nutrients often lacking in people’s diets.
Moringa Materials
Educational materials that can be downloaded, printed and distributed freely.
Story Poster
Can be used to spread awareness about Moringa. Especially effective when working with children.
Moringa Resources
People, organizations, seeds, books, etc.
What Can I Do?
If you work with people where Moringa grows, or have personal experience with Moringa, here are ideas about how you can help.
Help end world hunger with the gift of Moringa.