"www.treesforlife.org" is the website of Trees for Life. We are committed to protecting your privacy and value our relationship with our supporters. This statement details our privacy policy.
What personal information is collected and how is it used?
No personally identifiable data is collected from individuals through this website, unless this information is given by you in regards to online donations or purchases.
Donations or purchases online are secure. When you make a donation or purchase we will collect the following information in order to process the order: name, address, phone number, email address and credit card information. If you are sending a certificate to someone we will collect their name, address, and email address if provided. We use your information to process your donation and to verify credit card data. We use your mailing address to send your receipt and certificates, if ordered, and to let you know about our projects through our publications. Your phone number is used only to contact you if we need to verify order information and occasionally to thank you for your contribution. We do not share your phone number with telemarketing centers. Your email address is used to send purchase notices and may be used to contact you regarding your order or to let you know about our projects. The recipients names and addresses are used in similar manner, to send the certificate to them and to inform them of Trees for Life projects.
Trees for Life respects your privacy and will discontinue contacting you at your request, either written or oral.
Contact us at:
Trees for Life
3006 W. St. Louis
Wichita, KS 67203-5129 USA
Tel 316-945-6929
Fax 316-945-0909
We do not share your personal information with any other organization, except for a third-party financial institution to process credit cards. The information sent to them is only to verify credit card numbers and process the order in a secure environment. We do not rent or share our mailing list.
Is this information secure?
When persons visit our site, data collected by our computers will not be publicly displayed. It is used for our internal data collection purposes only, and is held by our server in a secure location. Our donation and shopping area uses secure web pages when your credit card information is collected. Our online credit card processing system is handled by a third party. Information is relayed to them through secure channels using SSL (Secure Sockets Layer).
What other types of information are collected, and how are they used?
We employ software technology referred to as "cookies" to make our web site easier to use. Cookies are small files that are transferred to the user's hard drive and enable information to be stored, rather than typed repeatedly, with each visit to our web site. We do not collect any personal identifiable information in our cookies.
Aggregate information:
When guests enter our site, our server picks up information used to help us provide our users with better service, and for internal record keeping. This information is picked up automatically from your Internet Service Provider and web browser, and includes your type of computer operating system and the browser that you are using, IP addresses, and demographic data. Also collected is the number of people viewing our web site. This information is collected in non-identifiable form.
What if a person has questions about the privacy of this site?
It is our hope that you enjoy and feel comfortable exploring our web site. If you feel that we are not abiding by our posted privacy policy in any respect, please immediately contact us at:
Trees for Life
3006 W. St. Louis
Wichita, KS 67203-5129 USATel 316-945-6929
Fax 316-945-0909
What happens when our privacy policy is updated?
We may update our web site or make changes in our procedure, which may require an update to our privacy policy. This change would appear in our posted policy and your continued usage of our site would indicate agreement and compliance with this new policy.