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How can I become a Trees for Life volunteer in my region?

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Trees for Life is a circle of like-minded people who celebrate life on earth and its abundance by sharing with and serving their fellow human beings. Trees for Life is a movement, a universal stage that many have been called to dance upon! The small nucleus of volunteers in Wichita mainly serves people like you who wish to empower themselves and their communities.

I'm with a like-minded organization. How can we work together?

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Please send us a detailed proposal of how your organization would like to collaborate with Trees for Life.

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May I use some material from your website for my project, paper, etc.?

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The majority of the information on our website and in our publications is copyright free. Please feel free to use and share it with others. (Please reference other authors where noted.)

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Can I post my Moringa testimonial?

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Testimonials, or any other experiences with Moringa can be posted on the open-forum of the Trees for Life Journal.

Do you have applications and guidelines for grants?

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No. We do not accept unsolicited grant/funding proposals. We do not have grant or funding guidelines or applications. All funding is initiated by Trees for Life and may not be applied for independently.

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