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Balbir Mathur retirement: TV news story

After 30 years as founder and president of Trees for Life, Balbir Mathur has announced he will retire on December 10, 2014—his 79th birthday.

The announcement of Balbir’s retirement was featured in this story by award-winning anchorman Larry Hatteberg on KAKE News in Kansas.

Video: The Essence of Trees for Life

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This brief 4-minute video answers the question "What is the essence of Trees for Life?"


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Kansas Man Sows Seeds of Dream

Special to The New York Times

WICHITA, Kan. -- From an unusual base, Balbir Mathur, an unusual Kansan, will set off for India Monday to continue his pursuit of a goal that seems to him altogether reasonable. He wants to help reforest the world and help feed its hungry.

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Trees for Life gives apple farmer, 89, a chance to sow good will.


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