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Unique Marriage Gifts

wedding certificateMarriage is a special occasion that deserves a special gift. Giving a toaster or a blender just doesn’t do justice to this wonderful occasion.

But planting trees in honor of a new marriage is a unique wedding gift that symbolizes your hope that the happy couple’s love will grow and endure over time… just as trees grow, blossom and continue to provide gifts for years and years after they originally take root.

By giving a gift of trees in honor of a wedding, you will be sharing your hope for a long and enduring future for your special couple. You will also be providing a gift that will continue to build a brighter future for our world.

Your unique marriage gift of trees will help people in developing countries grow and care for their own fruit and forest trees. One single apple tree can live for more than forty years and provide more than 10,000 pounds of food. A tree truly gives life. These trees not only provide a self-renewing source of food for hungry people, but also give fuel, building supplies, shade, and habitat for animals. They also reduce erosion, clean the air, promote better rainfall, and generally help protect our environment.

man planting a treeAnd your unique marriage gift will continue to give.
Each person who learns to grow and care for their own trees pledges to share seeds with two others and help them to grow their own trees. As each one teaches two, the movement spreads and multiplies.

In this way, helping one person grow a life-giving tree can lead to trees giving life, nourishment, and a better environment to an entire community! It’s a gift that grows.

To give this special gift to commemorate a special wedding, follow the simple 2-part process to make your donation and create a beautiful 8 1/2 x 11″ gift card that you can give to the wedding couple in honor of their special day.

  1. Complete the payment process for your donation.
  2. Then create a customized email or printable gift card.


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