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An Atmosphere of Giving

Volunteering at Trees for Life was an incredible experience! I learned so much. It was an unusual experience to be in the company of so many people who share my interests. People at Trees for Life believe in peace and respect for other people no matter what their origin.

Volunteering at Trees for Life was an incredible experience! I learned so much. It was an unusual experience to be in the company of so many people who share my interests. People at Trees for Life believe in peace and respect for other people no matter what their origin.

In my life I have often had difficulty getting used to a new situation. It was no different at Trees for Life. I found the first two weeks somewhat difficult. By nature I am a sensitive person and I often feel things others don't seem to feel. I often intuitively think I know something about how they are feeling. So I tend to have a reaction to things that happen to others as well as to things that happen to me.
During my first two weeks at Trees for Life, I watched the interaction between people carefully. I was impressed with the lack of problems between people who were living and working together so closely. But when I saw a conflict, I felt nervous about it. I wondered how the conflict would affect the group relationship and the people involved in the conflict themselves. I even talked to some of the people involved in it.

The interesting thing was that no one seemed overly upset about the conflict, even those who were a part of it. Instead they looked at the situation, learned from it, and went on without letting it damage a relationship. What a healthy way to handle life! I only hope that I can learn to react this way when conflicts arise in my life.

of the very best parts about my time at Trees for Life was the "Who We Are" meetings. I heard new ideas and saw new ways of looking at life. It gave me a chance to rethink my old opinions and change some of them. I thank you so much for planning this type of activity. It really seems essential to the success of Trees for Life to understand "why we do what we do."

It feels so good to have been a part of an organization that truly cares about the poor in the world. It is such a different atmosphere to live with people who aren't always thinking about how to make more money. It is an atmosphere of giving instead of taking. In this atmosphere I was most able to receive. Who in our culture would believe that you get the most from giving!

Trees for Life is proof that this concept is absolutely true.

Ken and I hope we can return to Trees for Life sometime in the future. Perhaps there will be a time when there will be a special need for teachers in the process of working with Global Circle of Knowledge. In the meantime I plan to continue to write and send lessons to Trees for Life. I am noticing that many of the "bugs" that I dealt with while in Wichita are being fixed.

The program is incredible and will continue to get better and better. I'm so proud of everyone working on this project!

Again, we thank you very much for the friendship you offered to us and for the opportunity to live and work at Trees for Life.